Tag Archives: Gloucestershire

News Reports 30 September 2020.

29 September 2020: “Swansea University said 32 students had tested positive for Covid-19.” BBC.

29 September 2020: “Aberystwyth University has confirmed 12 students tested positive after it suspended all in-person teaching.” BBC. Cambrian News.

29 September 2020: “Bangor University said it was aware of six students who had tested positive, one of whom lived in a hall of residence, three in private accommodation and two students who had remained at home in isolation and had not travelled to a campus.” BBC. North Wales Live.

29 September 2020: “Cardiff Metropolitan University confirmed three people had tested positive and said one suspected case was awaiting a test result.” BBC.

29 September 2020: “Glyndwr University in Wrexham said it had two cases confirmed by Public Health Wales.” BBC.

29 September 2020: “University of South Wales said it had seen one case.” BBC.

28 September: Loughborough: As of 2pm today (Monday 28 September) the University can share the following update on student Covid-19 cases:

  • One student has tested positive for Covid-19 and is in isolation – all contacts have been traced and notified
  • One student is in self-isolation as they are displaying symptoms
  • Five students are in self-isolation without any symptoms as they have been identified as being in close contact with someone who has tested positive

University of Loughborough statement.

29 September 2020: 40 staff and students at Sheffield Hallam University test positive for coronavirus. ITV.

29 September 2020: Dundee: “The number of positive cases of Covid-19 in a pair of students residences in Dundee has risen to 96. NHS Tayside has confirmed there are now 72 positive cases at Parker House and a further 24 at Abertay University’s Meadowside Halls. On Monday, there were 68 and 16, respectively.” (Note: Parker House is a privately owned student residence, taking students from both Abertay and Dundee universities.) The Courier.

29 September 2020: University of York: “The university has not revealed how many positive cases have been recorded among students and staff. But in a response that echoed the statement from York St John University yesterday, it says the number is in single figures, the cases are unconnected and do not constitute an outbreak.” York Mix.

29 September 2020: Leeds Beckett: Named in the Sky list of universities with confirmed cases. There have been cases, and a lockdown, at the privately owned student block IQ Marsden, which takes in Beckett students. See The Tab, BBC and The Tab. See also Leeds Live, 20 September.

29 September 2020: “More than 62 cases of Covid-19 confirmed at Aberdeen University.” Press and Journal.

29 September 2020: University of the Highlands and Islands: One confirmed case at West Highland College UHI’s halls of residences. HISA statement.

29 September 2020: University of Gloucestershire confirms seven cases of covid. Gloucestershire Live.

29 September 2020: At the University of Liverpool, the tally of COVID-19 cases has risen from 87 to 108, according to the University and College Union (UCU). Sky.

30 September 2020: “Four cases of coronavirus at the University of Cumbria.” Westmoreland Gazette.

30 September 2020: Royal College of Music: “50 students are said to be self-isolating at university accommodation in west London following a “small cluster of confirmed cases of Covid-19”, it has been confirmed.” Politics Home. My London.

30 September 2020: Bournemouth University: “You may have seen the news coverage over the last few days of outbreaks of Covid-19 at other universities across the UK. To avoid BU experiencing a similar situation and moving from a small number of positive cases in our university community to significant numbers we all need to play our part.” University statement.

Current tally:

63 Universities have reported coronavirus cases.
43 in England.
1 in Northern Ireland.
13 in Scotland.
6 in Wales.

(Note: counted Sunderland twice; now corrected.)

News reports, 29 September 2020.

28 September 2020: “A University of Sussex spokesperson said: “We currently have confirmed reports of a small number (single digits) of cases amongst our University community. As well as the students who are positive, all of their housemates are also now in self-isolation, as per the Government guidance.”” Brighton and Hove News. University Statement.

28 September 2020: University of Gloucestershire: “An email sent by university staff to students at the weekend confirmed there was “a small number of confirmed cases” of coronavirus at the Pittville Student Village.” Gloucestershire Live.

28 September 2020: University of Reading student self-isolating after testing positive for coronavirus. Berkshire Live.

28 September 2020: University of Swansea: “Twenty-two students at Swansea University have now been confirmed to have tested positive for coronavirus – almost double the number confirmed last week. The university, which has two campuses in the city, confirmed on Monday that it had been informed of an additional ten cases among its students, following last week’s confirmation that 12 students had tested positive for the virus.” Wales Online.

28 September 2020: University of Edinburgh: The university states “There are currently 55 positive cases among our student and staff population, all of whom are self-isolating.” University of Edinburgh. Archived.

29 September 2020: Self-isolating Edinburgh students ‘going hungry’ as food delivered late. Students in isolation at Edinburgh University have complained they are ‘going hungry’ as food delivered to catered accommodation arrives late or violates their religious dietary requirements. Edinburgh News.

28 September 2020: Birmingham City University: It’s reported that five students at Birmingham City University are self-isolating after one of them tested positive for Covid-19. ITV.

28 September 2020: Aston University says the number of confirmed cases of the virus (as of Thursday 24 September) for both staff and students are in single figures. ITV. Birmingham Live.

28 September 2020: University of Sunderland: “The email from the VC today announcing: “A number of people in our University community have tested positive for Covid-19. As at Monday 28 September, this includes 40 students & four staff.”” Source: UCU Northern Region on Twitter. Chronicle.

28 September 2020: St Andrews: “NHS Fife has confirmed that the number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 associated with St Andrews University has now risen to 25. The Fife health board confirmed an additional four cases of COVID-19 which brings the total number of confirmed cases to 25 since September 1. The cases involve both students and members of University staff.” The Courier.

28 September 2020: University of Dundee: “52 combined cases at Abertay University and the University of Dundee.” Sky.

28 September 2020: “NHS Tayside said there were now 68 cases at Parker House – a private accommodation which is home to first year students at Dundee and Abertay Universities – and 16 cases at the Abertay University’s Meadowside Halls.” The Scotsman.

27 September 2020: University of Essex: “A “cluster” of coronavirus cases have been linked to a university’s elite and junior sports programmes. The University of Essex said a “small number” of staff and students had tested positive and are self-isolating. ” BBC. University statement.

28 September 2020: “Essex University confirms five people tested positive for Covid-19.” Gazette News.

28 September 2020: Royal Holloway University: “Royal Holloway students alerted of positive coronavirus case in university community.” Source: BBC Radio Surrey on Twitter. Surrey Live.

28 September 2020: “An individual from the Royal Holloway community has confirmed that they have contracted coronavirus (Covid-19). The individual is self-isolating and we wish them a speedy recovery.” University statement.

28 September 2020: Brunel University: 4 confirmed student cases, 2 on-campus, 2 off-campus accomodation. Source: Internal communication.

28 September 2020: “UP TO 10 students at a York university have tested positive for coronavirus, the university has confirmed. York St John University is one of 40 universities across the UK that has recorded cases of coronavirus. A spokesman for the university said: “Since the beginning of term on 21 September, York St John University has reported fewer than 10 positive COVID 19 cases amongst staff and students. ” All cases are unconnected and do not constitute an outbreak. Close contacts have been informed and are isolating accordingly.”” York Press.

25 September 2020: University of Strathclyde: “As of today, we have received fewer than 15 reports of positive Covid-19 cases.” University statement.

28 September 2020: Bath Spa University: “So you are aware and can feel reassured, I can tell you that as of today we are aware of 3 confirmed cases of Covid-19 within the University community and a number of households are isolating as a result.” Source: internal email.

29 September 2020: University of Southampton: “The University of aware of four confirmed cases of Covid-19 amongst our students.” Source: Internal email.

29 September 2020: University of East Anglia: “Two students at the University of East Anglia have tested positive for Covid-19. The university said one lives on campus, the other off campus.” ITV. Eastern Daily Press.

29 September 2020: University of Nottingham: Sky report confirmed cases, but no further details, because:

“Some universities have been told not to release the number of cases by public health officials.

A spokesperson for the University of Nottingham told Sky News: “Regional Public Health England is currently asking us not to release institutional data for a couple of reasons – they are keen not to confuse their formal weekly data releases but they are also mindful of undermining the message that in the East Midlands, COVID-19 is affecting all demographics and so all demographics should have responsibility to protect health and follow the rules.””


29 September 2020: University of Sheffield launch the first Covid Dashboard for a UK university. “As of today (Tuesday 29 September) we are aware of three active confirmed staff cases and 36 active confirmed student cases of Covid-19.” Sheffield University Covid Dashboard.

29 September 2020: Sky report 45 universities have confirmed covid cases, with another 2 (unnamed) having suspected cases.

Current tally:

54 Universities have reported coronavirus cases.
38 in England.
1 in Northern Ireland.
12 in Scotland.
3 in Wales.